Sounds of Diversity
4 composers - 4 premieres - 4 nationalities - 4 cities
Experience a unique music and dance project that connects cultures and breaks down boundaries! Sounds of Diversity invites you to 4 concert evenings filled with contemporary music in world premieres and movement art.
Come enjoy an exceptional multi-genre experience that brings together artists from the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland, and Hungary. Together, we will cross both geographical and cultural borders and experience a unique fusion of contemporary classical music by 4 composers from 4 Visegrad countries and dance performances by Czech and Slovak performers. Discover the beauty of diversity during the mini-tour in Ostrava, Katowice, Žilina, and Budapest!

autumn 2025
Organizing Institution
Partners in 2025

General partner
The project is co-financed by the governments of the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia under the Visegrad Grants of the International Visegrad Fund. The mission of the Fund is to promote the idea of sustainable regional cooperation in Central Europe.
SoD koncerty 18.-20.3. 2024
Fotky z koncertů:
Martin Straka (Ostrava 18.3.2024), Stanislav Lesniewski (Katowice 19.3.2024)and María Paradinas (Žilina 20.3.2024)